What's new in Release 2

This page lists all new features and changes of the version 2.0 compared to the previous version.


  • Pipe modifier creates a pipe along a path defined in a sketch. With a free choice of predefined or user-defined profiles and the automatic generation of bending radii, this allows the modelling not only of pipes, but also of wires, cables and ropes.

  • Based on the result, a pipe drawing can be created and exported, which contains the complete dimensions of the bending points and radii.

  • Datum Plane is a new auxiliary object that can be used to create planes as a reference for modelling, which are available in tools as a visible and also selectable reference. Datum planes can contain images and can be used as a tool to save and restore working planes.

Sketch Editor

New Features

  • Split Segments New tool for splitting segments into two sub-segments. The split point can be determined interactively.

  • Split Points: New tool to split points used by more than one segment into separate points for each segment. So, the opposite of 'merge points'.

  • Weld: New tool for welding several points into one point, points within segments, and segments among each other, e.g. via intersection points.

  • Convert Segments: New tool for converting segment types into other segment types. This can be an upgrade (e.g. from line to bezier) or a reduction (from bezier to line).

  • Smooth Corner constraint for keeping corners smooth, as far as the involved segment types allow it.

  • Vector drawings can now be opened directly via the file menu or via drag'n'drop. A new sketch is created in the working plane and the drawing is imported there.


  • If a point is deleted that is used by two segments, then an attempt is made to create a replacement segment that is as close as possible to the original course. Until now, the two segments were simply deleted.

  • When creating segments, the keyboard input can be used, for example, to specify the exact length of a line.

  • Points at unconnected ends of a segment are drawn with a square marker. This allows for faster location of disconnected segments.


New Features

  • Rubberband Selection: This tool has got a new mode setting that determines whether touched entities or only completely enclosed entities are selected.

  • Horiz. Mouse Wheel: The use of the horizontal mouse wheel is supported and rotates the model around the vertical axis.

  • Touch: Viewport navigation via touch devices is supported.

  • Grid Step: The selected grid step is shown in the lower-right corner of the viewport and can be changed interactively with the mouse wheel.


New Features

  • PDF / 3D-PDF: The new PDF exporter offers not only the export of vector drawings but also the export of bodies or the entire model in a 3D PDF. This makes it easy to transmit a vivid and interactive representation as accompanying information for production data.

  • U3D: The mesh-based export in Universal 3D (U3D), a file format that is rarely used on its own, but is used as the basis for a 3D PDF. These files can be embedded using the appropriate tools when creating your own pdf.


  • The menu for import and export has been extended to allow faster and direct access to the desired function.

Bug Fixes

A long number of bug fixes have been made and overall stability has been increased.

System Requirements

Macad|3D is now based on the latest framework .Net 6, therefore the operating system requirements increase to:
Windows 8.1 64-bit and newer is supported.


Version 2.1

This is a maintenance release containing several bug fixes.

Version 2.2

This is a maintenance release containing the following bug fixes:

  • Model files cannot be loaded if they contain large imported solids or meshes.

  • Taper direction is incorrect in certain cases.

Version 2.3

This is a maintenance release containing the following improvements and bug fixes:

  • Sketch Editor

    • Fixed application of view rotation.

    • Improve clip plane on the plane angle.

    • No more cloning of single points without segments.

  • Taper

    • Fixed tapering a second time did not work correctly in some cases.

  • Circular Array

    • Fixed crash if radius is negative.

  • Body

    • Update ghost shape when layer visibility is toggled.

    • Inconsistencies in body-shape topology can occur in cloned bodies in seldom cases.

  • Slice Contour, Etching Mask

    • Slicer did not find the correct height in seldom cases.

  • Transform Tool

    • Do not operate on references if option LinkForeignOperands is activated.

    • Keep tool active if context menu is closed with left mouse button click.

  • Workspace

    • Fix incorrect behavior of deselection of entities.